Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mustard Maple Glazed Salmon and Sauteed String Beans

Good morning bloggies! Two more days of work in this week for me and I couldn't be happier! Is your week going fast or slow? After today it will be more than half way over, try to this of it like that! 

Yesterday when I came home I had an ice coffee from leftover coffee from the morning. Nice, cool and refreshing!
1 tsp sugar and a little skim milk...perfect!

I caught up on most of your blogs while I was drinking my ice coffee. I always find on Tuesdays when I come right home from work, I am the most hungry. I had a 2nd piece of my no bake granola bars and then had a snack that may or may not be weird for most people...
hummus in rainbow swiss that weird? I rolled them up and made them like wraps.

Then I actually cleaned up around my apartment and put away clothes I threw on the floor while I was getting ready (yes, Mom I do that..but don't worry my bed IS made and I made it!) My mom has a running joke that she thinks Danny does everything around the apartment, including making the bed....he does a lot but not everything..I DO do things around here besides make a mess!! (She was horrified by my messy kitchen picture, by the way.)

After spending the afternoon reading blogs, cleaning up, and watching very trashy tv I thought about dinner.  I decided I wanted to make salmon (I took it out when I got home to defrost), string beans and sweet/white potatoes.  We have an excess of potatoes from our organic delivery service so I'm trying to cook them before they go bad. Organic potatoes go bad WAY quicker than conventional....another reason that conventional produce is scary (some of it anyways...). 

I decided to go with salmon with a mustard maple glaze based on a recipe from here

Salmon with Mustard-Maple Glaze

2 tbsp maple syrup
3 tbsp tamari (or soy sauce)
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp sugar (I used turbinado)
2 tablespoons 
Dijon mustard
1 tbsp fresh ginger, grated
2 portions of salmon fillet
salt and pepper to season

Combine all of the ingredients in a small sauce pan on the stove. Heat for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently. 
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place the salmon on a baking sheet. Pour the glaze on top of the salmon. Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper. Put in the oven to bake for 20 minutes. 

I also sauteed some string beans and portobello mushrooms as a side dish to this. 

I heated up about 2 tbsp olive oil and browned 2 cloves of chopped garlic on medium heat. I added the string beans and let them cook for about 3 minutes. Then I added the portobello mushrooms and added about 2-3 tbsp of tamari (or use soy sauce). Cook on low for about 10 minutes, stirring every couple of minutes. 

My favorite quote of the day was during dinner when Danny looked at me and very seriously informed me that he lost 4 pounds today when he weighed himself at the gym. I asked him what he planned on doing about it and he's unsure right now (he made a protein shake after dinner). He's not very happy about it, so I'm sure there are some extra scones, cookies, brownies in his future. I even shared one of my string beans with him but I had my fingers crossed behind my back hoping he wouldn't like them because I'm bad at sharing veges  but he just wasn't into it, oh well, next time. 

Tomorrow I'll be posting those AMAZING potatoes!

Last day of the ELA exam!! 

What don't you like sharing with your sig. other?


Simply Life said...

wow, that salmon looks GREAT!

Jessica @ How Sweet said...

That glaze sounds soo good. I am always looking for other ways to make salmon!

healthyexposures said...

Kick butt with your LAST ELA exam!! (well, good luck to your kids? maybe? not sure how to phrase that, haha)
The salmon, as always - looks great. you know I love glazed salmons :P
I don't have a sig. other, but I'd probably hate sharing food with them. I'm awful, I'll totally offer up food expecting people to say no or try it and dislike it...when they say yes and love it I think "oh, crap." baha.
Oh and - I make snacks all the time that I'm not sure if they are weird or not. But hummus and swiss chard doesn't sound weird. I've also never had swiss chard?

pegasuslegend said...

Love Salmon, its wonderful, and this is another recipe that a keeper for sure~

Erica said...

I love salmon but never really know what to do with it. This sounds like an easy recipe and looks amazing!

Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen said...

Good luck on the exam! Dinner looks amazing! I can't say there is anything I mind sharing. The thing is, when I have something that he wants to try and he likes it...I get excited! Have a great day. Oh and the hummus and chard...YUM!

Angie said...

Your dinner looks amazing, I love your glaze on the salmon. Love your new theme too, its very pretty.

Kelly @ Healthy Living With Kelly said...

YUM!!! I don't really mind sharing anything but when it comes to my kombucha...HANDS OFF!!! haha!

Christine@Grub, sweat and cheers said...

Lovely looking glaze - don't think that's a weird snack either.

I love how losing weight is a terrible thing to a man.

My hubby finished off some of my chocolate last month...we had a very serious discussion about it.

Fit Chick in the City said...

I don't like it when my husband tries to eat my brussels sprouts!

Michelle said...

I know it's spring but I've been thinking about making something maple this week. Just love the idea of the Maple Glazed Salmon, sounds so good!

Anonymous said...

Okay ALL- how wonderful is my son-in-law?? lets all cheer for Danny.(I actually think he cleaned up that kitchen that day.) lol. just kidding. My daughter is the best. Love you both Mom.

Trix said...

That blend of sweet with the mustard on salmon is such a great combination.

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