November 2013

Happy Birthday Nicole!

November 30, 2013

Happy Birthday Nicole!   This blog allows Nicole to say how thankful she is for everyone in her life.  I wanted to use her birthday to say how thankful I am to have her in my life. Thank you being the best mother to Olivia, my best friend and my business partner. You always think about everyone [...]

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Thanksgiving Food, Decor & Family!

November 29, 2013

Good morning and Happy Black Friday! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I wanted to share some pictures from yesterday. We hosted Thanksgiving here, which was so fun. We were only 9 people, which is really small for us. We still, in typical fashion, made food for about 30 people. I looked on [...]

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Happy Thanksgiving!

November 28, 2013

Just popping in to wish you a very, very Happy Thanksgiving. There is no shortage of things I am thankful for today and everyday. I’m sure like many of you the short list is family, friends and good food…and the long list could go on for days. I’m looking forward to spending today and the [...]

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Olivia’s 13 Month Update!

November 26, 2013

Morning! Ahh…Tuesday…it’s like Friday this week since Danny is off the rest of the week. So wonderful.  Our little monkey turned 13 months a couple of weeks ago. I decided after 12 months I’m not going to do a full update, but I figured I’d talk about some of the things she’s doing.  She’s doing [...]

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