Hello from the Jersey Shore. We came down last night around 10:30. For some reason there has been significantly less traffic around Long Island… I have no clue why, but it seems like people are staying put. Danny and I decided to continue with our original vacation, despite what happened last week. We both felt we needed to get away and relax. Really and truly, thank you so, so much for all the kind and thoughtful comments. I was blown away, so was my sister. It makes me so appreciative for my family, friends and blogging community.
Moving forward, whenever we go to the beach, I always take as much food as possible. I should have taken a picture of all the bags but I wasn’t thinking. I brought muffins, granola bars, raw chocolate balls, hummus, Food Should Taste Good chips and more.
Speaking of Food Should Taste Good chips, you all know I have been loving them lately. I have actually been eating way too many of these chips with guacamole, hummus, salsa and by themselves. My sister, Jess and I have been going through an entire bag in one sitting at least once a week. Anyways, since I have been buying so many of these bags of chips, I contacted them to see if they would be interested in a giveaway. Next week is my first blogiversary, so I decided to do my very first giveaway before and announce the winner next week. Food Should Taste Good is giving away 6 different bags of chips, any flavor you’d want to try!
Food Should Taste Good’s tortilla chips are made from the highest quality, all-natural ingredients baked into the chips. All chip varieties are gluten free, cholesterol and trans fat free, and do not use genetically modified ingredients (GMOs). They are also certified Kosher, lower in sodium, and are a good source of dietary fiber. The chips are available in ten varieties: Multigrain, Sweet Potato, Olive, Jalapeño, The Works!, Chocolate, Lime, Yellow Corn and our two newest flavors, Blue Corn and Cheddar. They also offer a $1 off coupon on our site to anyone that signs up for our fan club. If you are interested in these chips, check out where you can find them.
There are a couple of ways to enter this giveaway.
1. Leave a comment telling me what 6 flavors you’d want to try.
2. Follow my blog and leave me a comment telling me you followed.
3. Subscribe to my blog and leave me a comment telling me you subscribed.
4. Tweet this giveaway. Include a link to this page. Leave a comment telling me you tweeted this.
(@NicoleCulver is giving away 6 bags of Food Should Taste Good Chips! )
5. Tweet this: Revive @nicoleculver ‘s blog! @revivemyblog http://revivemyblog.com/blog-revival/
(Regarding entry #5, I’m trying to get my blog “revived”.)
I will announce the giveaway on July 21st, which is my blogiversary. Winner will be picked by generating a random number. The people from Food Should Taste Good will mail the 6 bags of chips to the winner.
Good luck!!

{ 51 comments… read them below or add one }
Great giveaway! We love these chips too! Let's see, I would like lime, blue corn, yellow corn, jalapeno, olive, sweet potato and chocolate!
I've been wanting to try these!!! I'd like to try these 6 flavors: the works, lime, sweet potato, chocolate, multigrain, and olive.
Tweeted this giveaway!
Tweeted to get your blog revived!
I would like to try the Works, Olive, Blue Corn, Chocolate,Sweet Potato, and Multigrain!
I am already a follower of yours!!
I would want to try any of the flavors that are gluten free! I've subscribed to you!
I LOVE their chips and would want to try the sweet potato, multigrain, olive, blue corn, the works and lime!
i love these chips! they are sooo good! i've already tried the multigrain, sweet potato and jalapeno and would love to try the chocolate, blue corn and the works!
i tweeted about the giveaway too!
and i already subscribe to your blog on google reader!
I tweeted @NicoleCulver is giving away 6 bags of Food Should Taste Good Chips! via @beanmail
Love to try sweet potato, olive, jalapeno, the works, lime, and blue corn. Yum.
tweeted Revive @nicoleculver 's blog! @revivemyblog http://revivemyblog.com/blog-revival/ via @beanmail
Love these chips — perfect blend of a tortilla chip and a cracker. Of the ones I've tried, chocolate and multigrain are awesome. Of the ones I haven't tried I'd love to try lime, sweet potato, cheddar, blue corn, the works, jalapeno.
I've been seeing these in the blog world and want to try them! I would like to try the multigrain, chocolate, sweet potato, blue corn, and the works.
Happy almost blogiversary! wow has it been a year already cant wait to see more
Not in here for the contest good luck to the winner!
Hey Cole!
How fun! I revived your blog via twitter and am an obvious subscriber via RSS/Reader.
And I don't know if you can enter more than once
but the flavors that look good to me where sweet potato, the works, multigrain, blue corn, olive, lime. What are your favorites? Where do you find them in the store? Whole foods? Trader Joes?
Glad you are getting away for a nice weekend with your man!
I've been dying to try these chips – but only one store around here has them, and I haven't been in a while. I would love to try the multigrain or sweet potato
Have a great weekend on the shore!
And, of course I follow you, my dear
i subscribed
i already follow you!
i would like to try lime, sweet potato, chocolate, olive, blue corn, and the works
I'm already following you!
Tweeted about the giveaway!
Tweeted about Revive!
6 flavors? The works, Sweet Potato, Olive, Multigrain, Blue corn, and yellow corn! Yum!
Already subscribed!
I want to try these so bad! I would try: Multigrain, Sweet Potato, Jalapeño, The Works!, Lime, and Blue Corn.
i really really really wanna try the chocolate!
and now i realized you said 6 flavors so here are the other ones:
jalapeno, sweet potato, yellow corn, lime, the works.
i would love to try sweet potato, the works, olive, chocolate, multigrain, and blue corn. YUMM!
Blue Corn
Sweet Potato
The Works
I tweeted
I followed!!
I LOVE these chips! Thank goodness they sell the BIG bag at Costco! I'd like to try sweet potato, jalapeno, olive, blue corn, the works and lime. Yum! (Chocolate seems weird to me – is that just me?)
These look yummy! I would like to try the sweet potatoe, blue corn, multigrain, cheddar, lime and the chocolate! Thanks-
My 6 flavors would be cheddar, multigrain, sweet potato, chocolate, yellow corn, and blue corn!
I'm addicted to their jalapeno chips at the moment! I'd love the try the multigrain, olive, blue corn, lime, chocolate and the works!!
I want to try cheddar, sweet potato, multi grain, yellow corn, blue corn and the works!
Followed your blog!
Tweeted! (I'm @vivalameaganx3)
Tweeted about the blog revival!
Wow this is very cool…. congratulations on one year of blogging!
The flavors I wouldl ove to try are The WOrks, Lime, Olive, Multigrain, Blue Corn, and Sweet Potato.
Also, I follow you in my google reader
I'm fascinated by Lime, Olive, Cheddar, The Works, Multigrain and Cheddar…I cannot find them anywhere close to where we live …
Food Should Taste Good chips are amazing. Can I just request three sweet potato and three multigrain? Yeah, I'm boring. I know.
Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway!
I love Food Should Taste Good Chips! The chocolate & multigrains are my favorites!
I've tweeted #4 & #5
Hope you had a wonderful time on the Shore! We need to make hot yoga plans in the coming weeks
I recently tried these and became addicted as well! Already tried the olive and jalepeno so my six would be Multigrain, Sweet Potato, The Works!, Chocolate, Lime, Blue Corn = YUM!
tweeted 4
tweeted 5
Hello, I’m not sure if this promotion is still going on, but here is what I’d love to try.
I would love to try the following 6 flavors:
Sweet Potato, Jalapeno, Yellow Corn, Mutli-grain, The Works, and Lime.
Thank you very much if this is still active, I’ve heard nothing but good things from these chips.