I know I told you all about the enormous stack of magazines I got from my friends and family pre-surgery. I’ve slowly been going through them and have really enjoyed reading every one. They have basically cured my boredom because I’ve had A LOT of down time. Luckily, I am starting to feel better now, still not 100%, but I basically feel more or less like myself.
Thank you for all of your supportive comments and well wishes. It’s made for a speedier recovery, emotionally at least! I went to the doctor yesterday and he said I have about 3 weeks left of healing, but I can do anything as I want, as I feel comfortable. I’m NOT going to push it, but next week I may try and get on a treadmill to walk, we’ll see.
Anyways, this past week I started doing minimal workouts, as in, I may look like an 80 year old as I do some step touches in my living room. I’ve mainly been doing very light weights (2-3 pounds) and some kickboxing. In all of my magazine reading I came across this workout in October’s Shape Magazine. I thought I’d share it because it was a perfect workout for me. It was easy, but still got me sweaty.
Basically if you know kickboxing, even a little bit you can do this. All you need to know is jab, cross, hook, uppercut, bob and weave and the side shuffle.
I love that you don’t need any equipment for this.
So here it is. After the warm up do the moves in each round for 2 minutes. Between rounds, do the side shuffle for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. *Note: I switched sides at 1 minute in each round. I used a stop watch to time the warm up and rounds.
Warm up – Jump rope for 5 minutes. Then jab, cross, uppercut left and right; repeat this for 4 minutes,switching sides half way through. Round 1: Jab, cross, hook left and right. Round 2: Jab, cross, hook left and right, bob. Round 3: Jab, cross, hook left and right, bob, uppercut left and right. Round 4: Jab, cross, hook left and right, bob, uppercut left and right, jab, cross. Round 5: Jab, cross, hook left and right, bob, uppercut left and right, jab, cross, weave. Optional: Repeat round 5 up to 5 times before doing pushups. Round 6: Do 3 sets of 12-15 pushups. Making Good Choices Blog
I left out the pushups and this workout took me about 30 minutes. If you need a quick workout that will get your body going, then give this a try!
Do you like doing kickboxing workouts?
Have a wonderful day!

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I’m so glad you’re starting to feel more like yourself!!!
I love kickboxing! I took a class in high school for a year, and I was HOOKED!
Glad you’re getting some movement in! I used to love kickboxing when it was popular in gym classes. I wish they still offered it.
I did kickboxing this morning! I LOVE it! I love how it does muscle toning and cardio all in one! I am glad you are feeling better sweetie. I hope things continue to improve for you.
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) recently posted..Tennessee Christmas
I love the kickboxing classes at my gym, it is one of my favorite workouts! Glad to hear you’re feeling better every day!
I did one class of kick boxing while in college… I was SO SORE afterward, haha! I didn’t hate it, but it didn’t line up well with my schedule so I ended up not going anymore. Most of college I used the gym for weight lifting to keep myself toned and the elliptical to get my heart rate up. I know most people get bored with the same old same old, but I love routine. *grins*
Continue to heal and feel better!
I LOVE kickboxing! I used to teach it! I’ve been doing it a couple days a week w/my fav instructor (def need a good instructor to pump you up!)
Hope you are feeling better!
Glad you are starting to feel better!! I love kickboxing!!
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