Morning Glory: Tips To Getting in an Early Workout!

by Nicole on January 11, 2011

So this getting dark early thing is really getting to me. Not only do I like the daylight as a normal person, but as a blogger it’s really getting in the way with my inspiration. It’s tough to take decent pictures without natural light. I have little motivation to take bad pictures of my dinner in the dark, especially since my photos aren’t great in good light.
I know poor me. Until I figure out a solution to my problem I figured I’d answer a reader’s email.

I get asked a lot how I wake up in the morning to workout, so when I got this last email about it, I figured, why not answer this now. Let me preface this with the fact I am a morning person, I have ALWAYS been. Even in college I would get up and workout before most people opened their eyes. I HATE working out at night. It just doesn’t work for me. You need to do what’s right for you and don’t force anything too hard. Do what works for you!

Now with that said…

My Top Tips for Working Out in the Morning:

1. Make sure you get a good nights sleep two nights in a row, so you are well rested. (For me thats about 8 hours.)

2. At night get your workout clothes out, ready and in a prime spot.

3. Fill up water bottle and get keys/license out night before if you are leaving your home to workout.

4. Have your workout planned the night before. (Run route, dvd set up)

5. Set alarm and allow one snooze (if that works for you).

6. Picture how much better and more awake you will feel after it’s done!!

Really 40-60 minutes of extra sleep for me doesn’t make much of a difference, but if you are truly exhausted listen to your body and sleep in, you can always start tomorrow. It takes a while to get used to waking up,  it’s never totally easy, but you get used to it. It’s like forming a new habit, which takes 21 days! So get started with day 1 and you are well on your way!
I rarely regret a morning I’ve gotten up to workout.

What are your top tips for getting yourself to workout? Do you like working out in the morning?

*Note: These tips are what works for me from my personal experience, I am not a personal trainer, or a medical doctor!

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Estela @ Weekly Bite January 11, 2011 at 7:08 am

Great tips! For me getting plenty of sleep and laying out my workout clothes the night before are key :)


Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg January 11, 2011 at 8:48 am

Ugh– the lack of light is TOTALLY killing my dinner pics!!

Great am workout tips!


Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) January 11, 2011 at 9:18 am

I am so with you on the lack of light at night and food pics…I get so frustrated too when I am trying to beat the light and it does not happen! Great workout tips. I definitely make it a must do in my head every day, so I won’t talk myself out of it in the morning. It is a routine now, so I don’t mind getting up early normally…except today. Oops!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) recently posted..Totally Random Snow DayMy ComLuv Profile


Kat January 11, 2011 at 10:25 am

I cant get up and workout first thing. Even though my brain is awake, my body is NOT. Ive tried just jumping on the treadmill after I get up and I fail miserably each time. Like horrid cramp and slow legs. Instead I wait until about 9, then I am ready to go!


Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic January 11, 2011 at 10:36 am

I am not a morning person but I do like working out in the mornings! I like it because it starts my day right, and because it frees up my evenings. But I do listen to my body and if I’m exhausted, I don’t sweat it and just save the workout for later ;) Great tips!


Rachel January 11, 2011 at 10:37 am

I used to be so good about getting up early to swim or got to yoga. Picturing how good I would feel after the workout (your tip #6) was always the best motivator. Now I don’t have such a regular schedule of workouts or regular access to things like yoga so I’ve gotten out of the early habit. I miss it!
Rachel recently posted..Corn-Bran-Clementine MuffinsMy ComLuv Profile


Alexis @ There She Goes January 11, 2011 at 11:17 am

I LOVE working out in the morning, gets it out of the way and I feel calm all day


Rach January 11, 2011 at 6:03 pm

Such good tips! Really getting enough sleep is SUCH a big one for me for working out in the morning!


Mary @ Bites and Bliss January 11, 2011 at 9:35 pm

I most definitely am an AM workout kind of person. By the time afternoon comes around, I’ll dreaaadd getting one in but I have way too much energy right after waking up, all I want to do is get the the gym or go for a run! Plus it makes the rest of the day so much better if starting it out right..and not having it hang over your head the whole day.


Scott January 12, 2011 at 5:29 pm

Great tips, I must try some of these as I am the worst morning person in the world.


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