Morning! What a dreary, dreary day. I guess this is what we have to look forward to all week. Blah.
Yesterday I went to hot yoga at The Yoga Room. The instructor’s name is Wesley and he is one of my favorite teacher’s I’ve ever taken. I love the teachers that don’t take yoga so incredibly seriously, but still are yogis. He gives an amazing class, but still stops to tell us to watch Mob Wives and Rosie Pope, Maternity Concierge. Who wouldn’t love hearing about that while you’re in the middle of holding extended side angle? Love him.
I’ve been so bored with dinner lately. I need to find new inspiration, which probably require going back to some of my favorite cookbooks. I just need to find time to open them up now! This day time job thing really gets in the way of my creativity!
In the mornings I’ve been having a smoothie for breakfast. It’s so easy for me to just grab and go, even if I’m making a smoothie 5 minutes before I REALLY need to get out of the house. I don’t know about you, but whenever I carry smoothies, I ALWAYS get weird looks and second glances. No one really asks what’s in it, but I know they wonder. So….here’s what’s in my smoothie.
Add the banana, spinach and almond milk to the blender and blend. Add the rest of the ingredients, and enjoy!
Some of you have probably had green smoothies (or green monsters) before, but if you haven’t, you really cannot taste the spinach AT ALL. It is totally masked by everything else.
Give it a try, the nut butter and protein powder give the smoothie great staying power!
I’m off to work, the gym to hit up the elliptical and the dentist!
Have a great day!
What’s your favorite smoothie mix in?

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I’ve started doing spinach smoothies and have noticed a difference in my skin. It’s clearer and brighter. Yay! I just mix vanilla or chocolate soy milk with spinach and ice. I’m not really into tons of stuff up in it. It tastes great!
I love green monster smoothies. I don’t put ice in mine – just a frozen banana and milk (skim/soy/almond) because I like it thick and creamy! I should start adding chia seeds though…
I am a strawberry banana smoothie can of girl. I like that taste combination more than anything else.
I want to try oats in my smoothies. I don’t really do smoothies, but as the weather warms up (not so much today, but when it does) I think I’m going to switch over to more smoothies!
Love smoothies! Especially with spinach and banana and pb in them! I need to add oats in sometime!
Love Wesley
Must have just missed you, I took his other class yesterday – needed a much needed Trader Joe’s run from my weekend away (Thanks for all the tips about that by the way, much easier than I expected – as usual!) Anyway bought a giant bag of kale while shopping to add to my smoothies instead of spinach, frozen broccoli too. I’ll let you know how I like them
My uncle has this green powder that he sprinkles on his food. I always tease him about it because it looks and smells funny LOL. But THIS green concoction I could totally get on board with. The banana, nut butter, and almond milk sound like an awesome combo.
I just got some spinach the other day! Yum! I’ll have to try this green smoothie thing.
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