Morning! So, the topic of conversation here in NY is the heat…it’s super hot, sticky and humid. Yesterday Danny and I went for a run at 6 a.m. and it was ALREADY hot and sticky out.
What have I been doing with myself?
I feel like I have been MIA from all social media outlets. It’s amazing that even though I’m out of work, I’m finding myself even busier with health counseling and baking and getting things ready for my event! Lots of things going on and I love every second. This really doesn’t seem like work to me.
I’m coming down to my last month at Integrative Nutrition. It really has been amazing and I’ve learned so much. It’s really giving me the tools that I need to get my business going and hopefully successful.
I also hired 2 assistants and added a person to my legal team. They proof read for me (not my blog), help me with errands, listen to my ideas, come up with new ideas,tell me if my baked goods are great, or they stink, or they need gobs more chocolate, etc. I love having assistants…why didn’t anyone tell me how wonderful it is.
I pay them all in granola, muffins and granola bars. (and by assistants, I really mean my sister and cousin…who don’t have much else to do right now besides give all their time to me…which I’m incredibly, incredibly grateful for!!! …and by legal team I mean my sister’s boyfriend, currently doing amazing in law school)
So this week’s payment?
Honey Granola..obviously.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine oats, chia seeds, flax and honey in a large mixing bowl. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spread mixture out on baking sheet, evenly. Baked for a total of about 20 minutes, flipping and mixing around every 5-6 minutes. Be sure to watch the tray after 15 minutes, depending on your oven it will be done at different points. Let cool completly and add desired mix-ins. Granola should be crunchy when cooled.
What are your favorite add-ins in granola?
Have a great day!

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
Mmm… love granola! Yours looks so yummy. And I would totally take payment in granola, haha!
Rach recently posted..My very first WIAW!

i am so excited for you and your new ventures! love that you are so busy with things you love to do. that granola looks amazing! enjoy your day. it is back to work for me
kalli recently posted..Fail to plan, plan to fail
It sounds like things are really coming along. Congrats!
Oh this just looks and sounds awesome! I love granola and I think this is one of the best recipes that I have seen!!
I could use a couple of assistants! That’s great that your getting so much help getting your business off the ground.
Jess @ Fit Chick in the City recently posted..Class Review: Refine Method
My Daughter- SO SO PROUD OF HER.
This looks delicious!!