Scary Stuff Tackled: Phyllo Dough

by Nicole on August 31, 2011


Yesterday we had a really fun, pretty low key day celebrating our anniversary. We ended up going into the city and running along the water down in Tribeca.  It was an unbelievable day and I was thankful to be able to get outside and run there, especially since Danny’s relaxed summer schedule is coming to an end this week. Boo.

Since I was in the relaxed, celebratin’ mood we walked about 2 miles and ran 3. (I don’t know what that has to do with celebrating, but we talked most of the time, so our pace was slow and comfy.)

After that we went and ate at Locanda Verde, as per the recommendation of my city guide, Lauren. We had a nice lunch then headed to SoHo to do some shopping and with that, I’m the proud new owner of the groove crop pants. I’m mostly interested in walking around Crate and Barrel rather than clothes stores at this moment, but I’m sure that will fade. :)

In other news, I’m still working on cleaning out my cabinet/pantry/freezer, so when Angela posted this recipe for spelt flour phyllo dough, I felt like she was sending me a personal message to make this. I got that message and made her recipe, and boy am I glad I did.

Like Angela says, phyllo dough seems scary. It’s been in my freezer probably about 2 months and it just stares at me every time I go in there. Monday was the day to overcome my fear…(okay dramatic, I know).

In sharing this recipe with you, I have to apologize. Many of my worldly possessions are at my mom’s house because we are moving Friday/this weekend AND I shuffle between her house and my apartment because of work. All this means, that my camera is at my mom’s and all these are iPhone pictures. I’m sorry if you squeam, I kind of did, but this recipe is so good, I can’t not share.

before rolling up

rolled up

post oven

We could really use all your positive thoughts. We are having someone come look at our apartment last night and we are REALLY hoping that they buy it. If you all could think lots of positive thoughts we would greatly appreciate it!

Off to meet with some clients, workout and do a walk through of our house tonight! Have a great day!



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{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Kelly August 31, 2011 at 8:18 am

Looks so good!!


LizAshlee August 31, 2011 at 8:47 am

Sending you all the positive thoughts for a sell!!

I have never used phyllo dough but it does seem intimidating!

Have a great day! :)
LizAshlee recently posted..“Follow Your Bliss”My Profile


Dana August 31, 2011 at 10:15 am

It sounds like you had a great day!!

The first (and only) time I worked with phyllo was a nightmare, but I have to give it another try! This recipe sounds like the perfect chance to give it another shot!
Dana recently posted..M&M Rainbow CookiesMy Profile


emily (a nutritionist eats) August 31, 2011 at 5:29 pm

Ever since I visited Greece I’ve been obsessed with all things phyllo! I’ve never tried the spelt variety, but love that it is out there!
emily (a nutritionist eats) recently posted..labor day weekend eatsMy Profile


The Fillo Factory September 1, 2011 at 3:26 pm

Hi Nicole,

We spotted your link on Twitter and had to stop by and say hello! Thanks for sharing this healthy Spelt Fillo recipe – it looks delicious. We will be glad to RT your link to our followers. :) Our brand-new web site is coming out very soon, so we’ll also be sure to include a link to this page there. Keep up the great work here on your blog!

Best wishes,
The Fillo Factory


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