On Saturday I went to Integrative Nutrition’s conference at the Javitt’s center. I got to hear from Pierre Dukan (creator of the popular Dukan diet), Sally Weston Price (from the Weston Price Foundation) and Dr. Joel Fuhman(author of Eat To Live and Super Immunity). It was amazing being able to hear all of the speakers in person. I was bummed to miss Sunday’s speakers, which were Dr. Mark Hyman and Deepak Chopra, but I just couldn’t make it.
I honestly didn’t know much about the Dukan diet before I heard Pierre Dukan speak. It certainly seems to have great results, but I don’t know how anyone can survive on basically protein alone for over a month. (I know that’s not the exact diet, but it does have you alternate one day just protein, with a day of protein and veggies for around 40 days.)
As far as Sally from Weston Price goes, I have a hard time believing that raw butter and milk cures all. I do believe that MANY adults have milk allergies (including myself) and while raw milk may not upset the allergy as much, it’s best to stay away from it, if it doesn’t agree with you.
The most interesting and beneficial to me was Dr. Fuhman. Anyone who believes in a plant based diet and doesn’t completely ward off anything in it’s entirety is good in my book. You know I also believe in a plant based diet that includes lots of greens, veggies, some good fats and protein. I am not against meat and fish (and do in fact eat it) but I believe it should be limited and eaten more as a side dish a couple times a week instead of being the focus of our meals….unless it’s sushi of course.
Dr. Fuhman and I are aligned in our thinking. I ordered his book and will report back after I read it. He believes that greens and veggies should be the majority of diet, 1/2 raw and 1/2 cooked. Check out his food pyramid.
He also believes that to be healthy and live a disease free life we should try to eat greens, onions, mushrooms, seeds, beans and berries everyday. I know I mostly do this, but I’m still being extra conscious of this, seeing how it fits into my every day. With Dr. Fuhman in mind, I made dinner last night.
This recipe fits my requirements of fast, easy, healthy AND gives you leftovers. Winner.
Cut and slice all veggies. Put in a big bowl and pour marinade & sprinkling of sea salt and black pepper over veggies. Let sit in marinade for about 20-30 minutes, mixing every 5-10 minutes. Put veggies on grill and let grill do it’s thing.
You’ve got your mushrooms and onions. Throw it over some greens and beans and you got 4 out of 6 of Dr. Fuhman’s suggestions. Of course when you fuel with veggies and greens, there is no “bad” choice, as long as you are getting them in.
Once I read the entire book I’ll get back to you with more info, but just know the more veggies you eat, the healthier you’ll be.
Off to get some work done, run and do some weights. Happy day!

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I totally and completely agree with your statement – “the more veggies you eat, the healthier you’ll be.” I was so bad about that in the past and the difference in my energy and well-being is night & day since I shifted my meal focus to veggies. I would guess I”m not eating enough berries, though, not as easy for me to fit into my meals for some reason.
Heather @ Better With Veggies recently posted..Pre-Dawn Productivity
Loveee grilled veggies! Getting all our nutrients never tasted so good.

Mary @ Bites and Bliss recently posted..Tricky, tricky training
I love veggies and these look delectable!
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