Happy Thanksgiving week!
Are you all excited for a short week this week?
This weekend was jam packed with good things especially meaning amazing company and wonderfully delicious food. AND I got my Thanksgiving food shopping done. Winner.
My college friends came down for Saturday day/night and we got to have a girls sleepover at my friend’s house. (Who PS is the perfect host, and who needs to do a guest post on how to make a gorgeous table…or tablescape as we were calling it.)
I was so lucky to be able to sneak away from the craziness at my house to go spend some time with my friends. We laughed all weekend long as we caught up, had wine and played games. A much more mature visit than we usually would do in our past, but even more fun possibly!
Since I am feeling extra thankful this week, why not share why?
Super thankful for my husband who has been working hour after hour on our kitchen/bathroom and house. He has not had a break and doesn’t complain. I also should mention 8 years ago today we started dating. Happy 8 years together! <3
Also thankful for my step dad, Tony, who also has spent hours upon hours here fixing, working and being patient with us. This kitchen certainly would not have happened without him.
There are so many people that have made this renovation possible, like my sister and my mom for spending hours here cleaning and just over all putting up with my crazy.
And not to mention getting to spend time with my friends who I haven’t seen in months was the best medicine of the weekend.
It’s so important to take time out each day and give thanks. I really try to do this everyday and not just in November. I’ll probably be pretty sappy this whole week, so get ready!
I’ll give you a house update later on. Today may be the day the dishwasher & range are connected, which means everything can go back into cabinets today! Woohoo! So incredibly psyched!
Off to get in a workout and back here to be tied to the computer for work all day!
What are you thankful for? Have you done your Thanksgiving shopping yet?

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We really are lucky kids. SO fortunate, and appreciative.
I give thanks for YOU! You are such an amazing and talented person. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and joy!
I’m thankful for my family (friends included). I’m thankful for my puppies. I’m thankful for all that I have to face in life. The good makes me crazy happy and the not-so-good makes me strong. It’s all good. Throw a little turkey and potatoes on the side and it automatically becomes awesome! Happy Thanksgiving!
DD recently posted..Social Peaker
We do have so much to be thankful for don’t we?:) I just realized when you said you and your hubby have been together for 8 years that my hubby and I just had our 8 year since we started dating on nov 14th. Oops!
Love your healthy living blog! It’s great to see all women being so balanced:)