Morning! Happy March! Here’s to hoping March is a gentle lamb, like the rest of winter has been!
I’m so glad you all enjoyed the tostada! It was so good, I will be making it again. Socca is just chickpea flour combined with water, made into pancakes or baked in the oven. I posted more about socca here, but if you want the real, true socca experts, go visit the twins. They have LOTS of socca recipes!
What else is going on? I’m SO honored to have written a guest post over at Carla’s blog today. She was SO nice to invite me to write a post after she enjoyed some of my Pure Bliss Eats goodies! It was so nice and I’m so happy to be over there!
Other random things to tell you about? Do any of you watch Ellen? I don’t get to watch her much, but sometimes I will watch from her website or YouTube. I LOVE her show. I just find her to be so funny and genuine too. One of my favorite new things she does is “dance dares”. She basically asks people to dance behind people while they have no clue they are dancing. One of my sister’s friends just filmed a Dance Dare to celebrate being done with her cancer treatment. I’d love it if you could give it a watch and help her get noticed by Ellen!
I’m off to get lots of work done and baking for Pure Bliss today. Have to organize my life and workout before that happens. Today I’m doing an at home workout. If any of you want to try KOGA, that I’ve raved about, then you can try it on USTREAM here. This was actually filmed at the gym I work/workout in, but I wasn’t at this class.
Are you working out today?
Hope you get a chance to check out this video and my guest post today! Have a good one!

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }
such a cute video! ps…you inspired me to FINALLY try socca that’s been on my list. i added sweet potato to mine and it was the crust to pretty much the best “pizza” i’ve ever made!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean recently posted..Have a Salad
yay that’s awesome! I’m glad you liked it!
nicole @ making good choices recently posted..Thursday Things: KOGA workout, Dance Dares & More
Sharing this video with my Relay for Life SteerCo! Love seeing happy endings to cancer treatment!
Annica recently posted..Stuffed Green Peppers…with a Mexicano twist!
I read on Carla’s blog that you left teaching last year. I’ve been an Elementary Special Ed teacher for 10 years now, and a few months ago made the decision that I’m leaving teaching as well. I’m not sure what I’m going to do, but I just know that I’ve gotten burnt out and need a change. It’s been a bit of a challenge trying to find a job that makes enough money to support myself (I’m single), and one that I’m qualified for! (So if you have any advice, I’d appreciate it. lol)
I’m doing my workout after school today.
this made me cry. damn pms. amazing news for your friend.
Cat @ Breakfast to Bed recently posted..Temporarily Eating Brains.
Just found your blog through Carla’s! I follow you on instagram, so I have no idea how I’ve never ventured over here. Oh well, I’m here now, right?

Stefanie @TheNewHealthy recently posted..a day of convenience foods
loved the video! thank you for sharing. I love Ellen too, but like you do not get to see her show much
thanks for the socca shout out! love that stuff.
and loved the guest post on are amazing. keep it up!
Pure2raw twins recently posted..chocolate fudge balls
I love the video and I love the insight that you have on being healthy! Thanks for all the recipes and insight.
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