Morning! Happy Monday! Even though I’m basically exhausted today, I’m still happy that we have longer days now. Who doesn’t like more daylight, over less daylight? I’m fully willing to put up with the lost hour of the day.
This weekend we had our painting party. We got the living room and dining room painted. We had high hopes of also painting the hallway and office, but hah, our walls needed so much spackling and sanding it just didn’t happen. I’m happy with the two rooms we did get done. I can’t wait to show you all when the whole first floor is finished!
Since all things house happened this weekend I don’t have many exciting food pics or anything else to show you. I did get in a nice 4 mile run yesterday in the gorgeous weather though! My side is finally feeling better, so I ran more than walked.
Janetha posted this fun survey and then included a template for it, so I figured why not do it? I’m sure every blogger will be doing it, but I enjoy reading more about my fav bloggers, so I hoped you would too!
A to Z
A is for age: 27
B is for breakfast today: Homemade Spelt bread with 2 eggs.
C is for currently craving: Oh geez, you don’t want to know. Well, maybe you do. Bread, brown rice, pasta.
D is for dinner tonight: No clue. Something fast because I’m teaching a cooking class until 6.
E is for favorite type of exercise: Running!
F is for an irrational fear: Getting sick.
G is for gross food: Spam, fried oreos,
H is for hometown: Rockville Centre, NY.
I is for something important: My family. Most supportive, loving people around.
J is for current favorite jam: Such a dork…I frequent iTunes most popular list and GLEE.
K is for kids: no kids yet!
L is for current location: Long Island, NY.
M is for the most recent way you spent money: Buying spelt flour on amazon
N is for something you need: NEED? I don’t think I *NEED* anything. More hours in the day?
O is for occupation: Health & Nutrition Counselor and owner of Pure Bliss Eats
P is for pet peeve: Rude people and cardboard. I hate it. Ugh the feeling.
Q is for a quote: Follow Your Bliss! ~Joseph Campbell
R is for random fact about you: I hated, hated, hated running until senior year in HS and would sit out of gym all the time.
S is for favorite healthy snack: Right now? Fruit, mainly watermelon or these blueberry oat bars.
T is for favorite treat: Ice Cream
U is for something that makes you unique: I left teaching to be happy & start my own business!
V is for favorite vegetable: I LOVE veggies. Love brussels sprouts, string beans, eggplant, peppers, etc.
W is for today’s workout: Elliptical
X is for X-rays you’ve had: Teeth
Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Going for a run and bbqing chicken for first time this season!
Z is for your time zone: EST

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
spelt flour! Jill will be excited!
Cat @ Breakfast to Bed recently posted..Taking Barbiturates to Survive the Arena
Sounds like you had a busy but productive weekend. Love the A-Z survey. What a great idea! Have a fantastic week!!
Heidi @BananaBuzzbomb recently posted..Functionality > Fashion
ice cream lovers unite!
janetha recently finds & BFD.
Im such a boring open book—I need to get kidnapped
get me some stories THEN do the A-Z!
Miz recently posted..We cannot have it all.
Thanks for sharing this kind of post to us..
Katrine recently posted..Where Can I Buy Provestra
ya for painting party!! we better get working on our list

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