I always seem to do these confession type posts before some sort of big reveal.
I don’t know why but I feel like I should dish dirt on myself and be completely honest about myself at these moments.
I think I posted my first one right after I started attending Integrative Nutrition and the second one the day before I quit my teaching job.
You may be wondering what I have to tell you but just sit tight I promise it’s soon.
1. I obviously bake for a living but I have no interest in baking anything for my own personal enjoyment right now. The same goes for cooking. I would much rather someone else cook for me. Unless it’s pizza, I’ll make my own pizza. My mom is taking pity on my busy-ness and invited us over for dinner last night. Danny finally got a real meal in awhile (besides pizza). (Thanks to my mom for making a DELICIOUS dinner for us last night that I ate way too much of.)
2. My sister is moving onto bigger and better things. I’m SO happy for her because this is her dream job and what she’s wanted for SO long now. I want her to live her dream instead of helping mine along but I still will miss spending everyday with her.
3. I’m kind of bored with weights right now. I’m still doing them 3-4 times a week, but I lost my mojo. On the other hand, I’m back to loving cardio and enjoying more and more walks outside.
4. Sometimes I watch Jerseylicious. I literally hate myself for it.
5. I’m supposed to be off shopping but I may have purchased a couple of items the other day at the outlets. Why does JCREW make me weak in the knees?
6. I LOVE my house but am getting increasingly more annoyed at walking up the steps just to use the bathroom.
7. I read the same blogs over and over again. It’s probably pretty obvious from the people I link up to everyday. Some of my other favs? Anna, Kelly, Lindsay and Michelle (besides the Michelle from the twins ) Also if you want a laugh, check out Cat’s blog. She’s funny.
8. I avoid picking up the phone the majority of the time. (unless it’s a work call) I mostly hate talking on the phone and I also hate listening to voicemails. I guess I’m a product of this technological era. (but don’t let this stop you from calling me…i promise i do call people back)
9. Random thought: Carla was just saying she imagines her twitter peeps as a virtual neighborhood. It’s fun to think about. Who would be your next door neighbor?
I don’t even know if this is a true confessions post, but just things on my mind. Big things coming soon on here. Well, in my opinion at least
Happy Friday. I’m going to annoyingly do some weights and go for a walk. Enjoy today! Happy Friday!
Any guesses as to what my annoucement is?

{ 15 comments… read them below or add one }
yay for big things! can’t wait!
Aww, thank you for the shout out!! I’m excited to hear about your big announcement!!
Anna @ On Anna’s Plate recently posted..Spring Salad
Happy Friday to you – that’s awesome about your sis. And maybe just time to shake up the weight routine? Try something new?
GAH, woman! You have me all sorts of intrigued now!
Loft always makes me weak in the knees. I can easily spend way too much money in there. And deals! The stores always seem to ahve some sort of deal to suck you right in.
Tina @ Best Body Fitness recently posted..Fun Fact Friday
Umm….You need extra help with your business and you’re going to hire me to take me out of my misery here???
In all seriousness, yay, for big things! Can’t wait to hear. Sorry I’ve been MIA, but hopefully I’ll get to meet up with you tonight!
Kim @ Imperfectly Perfect recently posted..A Sea of Red & Berry
So I finally am catching up on blogs that I’ve been SO neglectful with reading…
I always find it SO hard when I want to share something but can’t make the “big reveal” yet – for whatever reason…with the pregnancy this time, I felt like I was living a big lie b/c I had stopped blogging about running and my training runs – b/c let’s be honest – my runs during weeks 7-12 were less than stellar and I don’t think anyone would care to hear me complain about nausea and exhaustion =) Looking forward to your news!!!
Thank you for including me in this – you made my day…your blog, as you know, is one of the first ones I read every morning – and I look forward to your happy, chipper tweets to start my day.
Michele @ nycrunningmama recently posted..If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans
we are just the opposite, we have lost all interest in cardio and love our strength training
though we do want to go out for more walks now that it is so nice outside. congrats to you sis, that is soooo exciting!!!
hope you have a wonderful weekend beautiful! xoxo
Pure2raw twins recently posted..triple layer chocolate protein brownie mini cakes
i’m on a just yoga kick right now and walking, so i hear ya. and in fact, you and I are SO SO much alike right now. scary alike!
Lindsay recently posted..I Caved
big reveal?! you’re buying a zoo?!?
hahaha ohhh janetha!
That’d be pretty sweet though. I don’t know…maybe you are preggers?! haha I would be very excited for you
Can’t wait to hear what it is. Don’t make us wait too long!
Maren recently posted..Life Happened
Great post..we are all more alike than different!

LizAshlee recently posted..Weekend Winks for 3/17/12
I think I might know!!
My vote is with Janetha – and if so, I would like to be in charge of the monkey cage, elephants, giraffes, dolphins- actually I’ll just email you the list.
I helped my dad in bakery a while ago! I remember when a nice guy started to work…then i was in there almost every day to “help him” ..ehem…
Cindy recently posted..Remembering All You Can
I love this post you did regarding yourself

Maybe you can read my blog too
blackhuff recently posted..The weekend that was & Bargain shopping