Morning all! How’s it going? I’m so happy to wake up and see the sun today…even if it’s only 43 right now. I’ll be heading to the gym in a little bit to get my day going. Schedule lately consists of waking up, breakfast, work, work, work, gym and continue the work day.
Today is the first Monday in April already. Jess reminded me that the first 1/4 of the year is over (and almost the first 1/3rd of my pregnancy!). I posted a little while ago about New Years resolutions and catching back up with them. It’s so important to make this YOUR year. If you fell off the wagon, like I suggested, re-do and RE-COMMIT to your goals.
Jess did just that in her post, so go check it out and join her in Say it, Do it. I’ll be posting a little Spring Awakening challenge next week, if you all want to join in, it will be fun.
As far as my goals, I’m still majorly trying to drink more water. It’s even more important now that I’m growing a human inside my body. The rest of my goals are on hold besides eat as much healthy, nutritious food as possible, workout most days of the week (which has been going great), and remind myself to be thankful everyday.
Brittney also posted about staying FitFluential, another great read. I’m so lucky to be surrounded by amazingly inspirational people!
So let’s pick a goal for this week and STICK to it. And I promise to make some great recipes this week and share to help you along!
My goal for the week is to recommit to 3 water bottles a day.
What’s yours? It can be around food, fitness, family, gratitude, ANYTHING. Please share!
And a very special message to the fearless leader of FitFluential: Happy Birthday Kelly! Thank you for all you have done for your FitFluential tribe. You are amazing and so inspiring! Enjoy your very special day and keep kickin’ butt!!

{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }
Yes! Drink up on that water. If you don’t, you will feel horribly throughout the pregnancy. It’s honestly something I struggle with daily.
Lisa @ I’m an Okie recently posted..20 week Ultrasound
I have been trying to drink more water, too. Esp since it’s getting so hot here!
Heather recently posted..Triathlon Volunteering
I am still so stinking excited about your announcement.
And great goal to have. My goal is just getting back into a solid routine. I felt way out of whack and not quite like myself last week.
Tina @ Best Body Fitness recently posted..What to Do When You Can’t Run
Great idea to do a check in at this stage in the year. With your great nutrition habits, you are undoubtedly growing a little super human in there! Keep up the good work (and the water!)
My goal, two weeks out from the Boston Marathon, is to be super diligent about eating. Now is the time to repair muscle damage from all that training and get the legs ready to rock and roll!
misszippy recently posted..RIP Micah True
My goal this week? Cut myself a little bit of slack. I’ve been on fast forward mode since March started and I need to pull back a little bit, for my own sanity more than anything else.
Jess recently posted..Slow. Down.
Yes! Drinking water is a really good habit to get into while you’re pregnant, because it is soooo important when you’re breastfeeding! I hope your pregnancy continues to go great!
I’ve been trying to be so much more mindful of my water intake. Excellent goal! Going to be very important during your pregnancy/breast feeling!
Charlotte recently posted..Cherry Blossom 10 Miler – Race Recap
The Group I belong to, also have this for every Monday. To write down some goals and try to stick to them for the week.
blackhuff recently posted..Some tips I want all to know
I’m struggling a bit on my weightloss journey so think I need to refocus and identify some goals – it all feels unachievable and overwhelming at the moment.
Deb recently posted..The child within