Hi guys! Just popping in to say hi after a fun weekend in Jersey with my in-laws Friday and my college pals Saturday. I went to a bridal shower for one of my friends and then got to spend seriously needed girl time with my friends overnight. It was so much fun to share all the good news and celebrations with them! They were SO good to me all day & night.
I figured I’d leave our fun little post up for a couple of days to really celebrate! Thank you for all of your comments, tweets, emails, texts, messages and everything else. They mean SO much to us. We have been blown away by the excitement from everyone and this is sure to be one spoiled baby!
I had a rough 4-5 weeks but I’m mostly feeling like myself now except for the exhaustion and still not really wanting to especially eat any food besides soup.
I can’t wait to fill you in on everything else that has been happening over here. I’m just SO glad to have shared with you our news so I can get back to being MYSELF on here!
People have been asking me what I’ve been eating…. so just to give you a little idea:
- Watermelon
- Grapes (mostly green)
- Bread (homemade)
- Brown Rice wraps & scrambled eggs
- Soup (minestrone, chicken egg lemon, veggie, barley, etc)
- Homemade bland granola bars
- Brown Rice
- Smoothies
- Chocolate
- Mesclin lettuce/Spring Mix
- Oatmeal
- Peanut Butter
- Beans
- Hummus (starting to get over)
Interesting right?
I’m looking forward to feeling better so I can finally get back to cooking & sharing new recipes with you. Thank you for sticking by me while I’ve had some serious ups and downs…but it’s ALL worth it in the end!
Hope you all had a WONDERFUL weekend and got to relax, sweat, eat good food and spend time with those you LOVE. Night!

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }
ugh. love love love.
sad about chocolate thoughhh
I currently can’t stand hummus and I used to be able to eat a tub in one sitting!
Also greens the first trimester were not happening for me and now I love them!
Lindsay recently posted..Fitness Friday: Learning To Love Walks
It’s kind of weird how your body hates some of your favorites in the beginning. Luckily, you do get the taste for them back. I am so happy for you two! Congratulations, again. I can’t wait to read about your pregnancy adventure!
Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) recently posted..Potatoes, Hummus and Rooms…
LOVE IT. But kinda funny everybody loves chocolate except you.
Liz recently posted..Hcg diet reviews
Glad you had such a fantastic weekend.
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