Happy Saturday!
This is our first weekend home and semi-relaxing in 3 weeks. I’m working today in the morning (come say hi and try some healthy snacks at Breathe n Flow Yoga in Freeport from 10-1!!) but then after that I’m going to get a manicure and do house things. Unfortunately, since we are doing house work ourselves, whenever we go away for the weekend nothing gets done. Hence the fact we still have a hole for the bathroom….well, that and we are budgeting our funds.
Hopefully in the next month we’ll be ordering our kitchen backsplash and starting the bathroom. Bathroom end goal is the summer…before baby. Having a house is definitly a money pit, but we love our home and are thankful for it everyday. Especially when I think about our little Queens apartment that had no parking.
Enough babbling by me.
I haven’t posted link love posts in awhile and I’ve read great posts this week, so I’m sharing.
Lori & Michelle’s, Did We Always Look This Fit? This post made me so envious. I’m so happy to be growing a baby, but it made me miss my abs! These girls are rockin’ their abs & arms!
Maria from A Life to Bragg About posted about how she’s going to cope with her husband’s deployment. Military wives are SO strong.
Butterflies for Dinner: Often parents ask me how to get their kids to eat veggies. Tina did a great post on some ways she got her little ones to eat some!
Chia Seeds 101: Laury did a great post about chia seeds with some recipes too!
And two more from two of my favorite bloggers….
Congrats to Anna who had her BEAUTIFUL baby girl Lila!
and a very happy Birthday to Kelly who deserves a year filed with lots of happiness.
Hope you had a wonderful Saturday! And come visit me if you’re local and not busy!

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Thanks for the link love, Nicole, and thanks too for your sweet comment on my last post. Even with the struggles we’ve had this week, I can honestly say it has been the BEST week of my life– nothing compares to holding the sweet baby you’ve been carrying around for nine months in your arms…which will be here for you before you know it!!
Anna @ On Anna’s Plate recently posted..Got Milk?
Love you! Thanks for the link love <3
Laury recently posted..Chia Seeds 101
Just can’t get enough of these link love. Thanks! Will definitely make time to read them all this weekend! Keep posting.
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never too busy for YOU but sadly not local

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