I finally have a new recipe for you! I’ve been such a slacker in the recipe development department, but you understand don’t you? Yesterday I was determined to not only make something new, but to also not spend $200 at the food store.
I’ve said before how I’m a food hoarder and I’ll say it again. After going through my pantry last week and trying to get some organization to it, I realized I just need to stop buying pantry foods until I get it cleaned out. I also have no appetite for beans at ALL (except lentils) and I’ve got PLENTY of grains so I made a plan. Yesterday was just for fresh produce & meat/fish. I buy mostly organic produce, wild fish & organic meat, so I still spent $100, but I felt like I got a good amount (confession: I also had a credit from TJ’s for returning some items). My goal is to cut our food budget to save more money. We’ve been going out to eat/getting take out 1-2 times a week, which we’ll probably stay with.
I’ll keep you posted on my progress at the food store. (Note: we do spend a lot at the food store, but it’s not that much when you break it down to breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for 2 people, which is about 40 meals a week.)
When I got home from the food store I went to work right on a quinoa salad. I usually make my own salad dressing but I tend to just make the same balsamic or red wine vinegar over and over again. Yesterday was different. I knew I wanted something creamier.
Ingredients Tahini Goddess Dressing Combine all ingredients in a blender, food processor or using an immersion blender.
This was delicious. Danny took it for lunch today and he’s not even truly a quinoa lover.
I’m off to enjoy another gorgeous run….when my new Brooks decide to get here!
Don’t forget…if you sign up for my Pure Bliss Eats newsletter, you’ll recieve a coupon for $1.00 off a bag of granola!
Have a great day!

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
did you get the quinoa at TJs? LOVE it.
Cat @ Breakfast to Bed recently posted..Popcorn, Peanut M & Ms and Perky Prozac
That salad looks delish! Mind if I make it without the olives? Never met an olive that I liked!
About every six months I declare it ‘eat from the pantry’ week. I plan all my meals around the 1/4 empty packages that have been hanging around for too long. Sometimes I find surprising things in there, rediscovering a food I haven’t eaten in awhile. It’s also a great way to keep grocery costs down (I feed a family of 5 and spend about $400 each week doing so)
Tamara recently posted..Rediscover your abs with clean eating and Tuesday Trainer
ahh yes, sometimes the creamier versions make all the difference with salad dressings. PERFECTO!
Excellent share… looks yummy.
@PavementRunner recently posted..US Half Photo Gallery
Looks delicious and perfect for warmer weather! Although I’m of course not surprised.

Tina @ Best Body Fitness recently posted..Healthier Versions of Not So Healthy Favorites
We spend SO much $ at the grocery store. For a few weeks back in January, I was really doing well with planning meals out ahead of time, checking out the circular to see what was on sale and using any coupons we got in the weekly newspaper. We were saving close to $40/week – INSANE. And then I found out I was pregnant and didn’t have energy to do all the planning or the stomach to eat much of anything. I need to get back on the train!
The recipe looks delish! I need some new recipes for dressings – we eat the same over and over again.
Michele @ nycrunningmama recently posted..A Weekend of Sparkle
Dont’ you just love quinoa..so versatile and healthy!!
LizAshlee recently posted..A New Story…A New Perspective
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