Hi guys! So I wrote this post on Amtrak which wouldn’t let me publish it because of slow Internet. Then I got home and almost passed out in my egg drop soup. This morning I was having blog issues….so here we are now.
I’m on Amtrak on the way home from Boston. I have no clue if this post will even work, but I’m giving it a try while I have another hour on here. I feel so blessed to be able to have the week if I did. I had to do a lot of juggling to make it happen, and I’ll probably work a fair amount over the weekend…but it was worth it.
So, you make have seen on twitter (#RBKFITBLOG) that about 20 of us bloggers were invited to Reebok Headquarters in Canton, Massachusetts to visit them. We had a phenomenal day and their hospitality was amazing. I can’t wait to share more pictures when I get my hands on some!
Over the course of the day we did CrossFit, a dance workout, ate a fantastic lunch (very important…obviously) and got to hear the about the making and rebuilding of the Reebok Brand. We even got to see the sneaker mold being made for the world’s largest man! Nuts.
Trying Cross Fit for the first time was super fun. I knew I’d have to modify it a bit being pregnant and I told the head coach when I got there. He was super nice and just suggested lowering the weight and working to my 80% max, which I knew anyways.
The Cardio Dance portion was definitly outside of my comfort zone, but still fun. Ilyse Baker was flown in from California to teach the class…and she’s pretty incredible.
It was also SO fun to meet so many other bloggers. It’s also so fun to get to meet people in person.I want to link to everyone, but the internet is so shotty on here, that I’ll do it when I post more pictures!
So basically I finished this post from my phone and it won’t let me do what I want with pictures and such. So I promise when I get back from Maryland for my two nieces first communion I will figure it out!
Have a great weekend!

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
You ladies who went straight from the FITNESS Magazine Event straight to Boston for Reebok, are totally bad ass in my book. I was so wiped out after just FitBlogNYC when I got home Thursday haha.
looks like y’all had an amazing time!
Charlotte recently posted..A Little Slice of Foodie Heaven – Eataly NYC
The Cardio Dance portion was definitly outside of my comfort zone, but still fun. Ilyse Baker was flown in from California to teach the class…and she’s pretty incredible.
It was also SO fun to meet so many other bloggers. It’s also so fun to get to meet people in person.I want to link to everyone, but the internet is so shotty on here, that I’ll do it when I post more pictures!
Jennifer recently posted..wow gold guides
love it!!!
sounds and looks like a blast!
Tara Burner recently posted..Weekly Recap – May 13
You are so lucky, because you have got a nice teacher. She always tries and work for your success.
Sage Forrest recently posted..Best Hot Stock For December 2009
Look like a fabulous event! Very cool to try out some CrossFit. Thank you for sharing your recap!
Christine @ Oatmeal in my Bowl recently posted..Oatmeal Toppings Wishes You a Happy Mother’s Day!
I loved seeing all of the tweets and pics from the day. It looked and sounded like an amazing experience. Like Charlotte said, I was BEAT after just FitBlogNYC. You all are rockstars for doing these events back to back.
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..FITNESS Magazine Meet & Tweet
I love the photos. You and the girls look extremely beautiful. It was a cool event and I am jazzed that you actually tried out the crossfit. You are totally badass.
Anna Marcus recently posted..Workout routines for men