Wednesday, Wednesday. These weeks are flying…and as their flying, my pants are getting more and more snug. I (sorta of) welcome you, snug pants.
I’ve been posting my weekly updates on Wednesday, even though my weeks really start on Saturday…so by now I’m really 15.5 weeks. In the past 3 days I feel like my stomach has grown…I’m probably going crazy, but it feels big(ger) then it did. I can even look down in a snug shirt and see a little bump.
So what’s new?
Baby: The baby is 4.0 inches and the size of a naval orange and it’s 2.5 ounces!
15 Week Doctor Apt: We got to hear the baby’s heart beat through the doppler. It was a super short doctor appointment. Danny and I also decided to skip the genetic testing you can have done between 11-13 weeks. It’s a VERY personal choice, but we felt that we are young (I’m 27, he’s 30), have no family history and that it really didn’t matter either way, so we skipped it. Our doctor was very okay with it which I was happy with.
Weight Gain: I lost 3 pounds in the first trimester, so I’m happy to report I gained 5 back, so I’m up a total of 2 pounds! It was a weird feeling hoping the scale to be higher than it was in the previous 4 weeks.
Food: With all the food from the weekend away and the wedding I was happy to come back and go back to my usual way of eating. I’ve been a bit more relaxed about the food I eat, but I’m still making sure I get my veggies in. I do kind of get very specific cravings for meals, like whole wheat egg noodles with (turkey) meatloaf and gravy, which I made last night. But I make sure I have a salad and add veggies in there too. It’s kind of bizarre. I also won’t have any clue what I want to eat and then it will hit me and I’ll have to have it. (Like yesterday)
As far as the calorie counting/intuitive eating debate goes, I’ve been combining both. When I lost 3 pounds, I was concerned I wasn’t really eating enough (because I felt so sick) so I wanted to make sure I was getting enough fuel. Now I’m just basically going off what I want to eat and eating when I want…within reason. I’m NOT over doing it, OR eating for two. But at the same time I’m much more likely to have a bowl of pasta a couple times a week then I was before.
Aversions: They seem to have mostly gone away, but I still don’t have any interest in nut butters, smoothies and oatmeal which is so weird.
Clothes Bought: One JCREW sweater very on sale. Hoping I can wear it with a long maternity tank underneath for awhile. Either way I’ll wear it post baby. I’m going to need maternity bottoms soon and GAP is having a 25% off sale, I may have to get a couple. I think I have 2-3 more weeks in some pants, but well see. Right now my jcrew cafe capris are carrying me through…and lululemon crops.
Exercise: I don’t tend to switch things up very much, so I ran 3 times, twice on a treadmill, which is borderline torture. I’ve been honoring my body by walking more and taking more breaks when I need to. I also lifted weights 4 times. As far as weights go, I’ve been using lighter ones and taken it down a fair amount. I’m pushing myself, but not to the point that I was pre-baby. There are a couple of classes I’ve been scoping out at the gym that I think would be good but I’ve yet to take them.
Other thoughts: My sleep has been better and finally at week 15 I’m not passing out on the couch during the day. I don’t feel like a power woman with an energy surge, but I do feel human again. I’m waiting for super-human energy to kick in though. Belli skin care sent me the Complexion Protection Duo and Elasticity Belly Oil and I’m obsessed with them both. I’m going to do a whole post and giveaway for them, but I’ve been using both products everyday. They smell AMAZING and are wonderful, natural products. I’ve been slathering the oil on my belly daily and it feels and smells amazing.
Something about going to our friends’ wedding this weekend and seeing friends we hadn’t seen in awhile made this all that more real and exciting. I’ve kind of just been going through the motions, but as strange as it may seem, I hadn’t been truly, truly, truly excited and connected to what is happening until this weekend. It finally is starting to seem more real…maybe it’s the belly coming out…or hearing the heart beat one more time…but it’s happening and I’m feeling so blessed and excited. I even started a registry online at Buy, Buy Baby because it felt so real! We need to actually go though to finish!
What are you feeling thankful for this week?
Between the baby and the Kickstarter pledges, I’m super thankful for all of YOU!

{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }
So happy to hear everything is going well!
I am loving the Belli Skincare line- I wish I had known about it earlier in my pregnancy
you’re adorable. for real. adorable.
Cat @ Breakfast to Bed recently posted..Ryan Seacrest Whispering Quietly to Me.
I love reading pregnancy updates
You look wonderful!
I really liked my Gap maternity jeans!
Funny how the bump does seem to grow in spurts like that. You look great!
Anna @ On Anna’s Plate recently posted..It tastes the same (if you close your eyes)
That’s amazing. Best of wishes for the fam.
PavementRunner recently posted..An Easy 10 with Alex Bridgeforth
Isn’t it weird how it just hits you one day…like, oh my gosh, there is a baby in my belly? LOL. I agree with you about the testing. We felt the same way. There was no way we would end the pregnancy, so why bother knowing? I felt like it would cause the remainder of pregnancy to be one of worry and concern rather than celebrating the life growing inside of me.
You look amazing. No belly. Seriously.
Michele @ nycrunningmama recently posted..Happy Bump Day! (20 weeks)
YAY for babies and YAY for you feeling much better than the first trimester
Keep the updates coming!
Victoria recently posted..Sweet & Savory Polenta Cakes
What an exciting time! I love hearing about it.

emily (a nutritionist eats) recently {and living it}
Yay!! you look so beautiful and happy! Saying a prayer for your healthy pregnancy to end in a healthy baby
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