Morning! Wednesday already… these weeks are flying! I’m so glad to be in New York for 5 days straight…until I head to Jersey Saturday! (At least that is a short trip!)
What an eventful week it’s been and it kind of hijacked my blog. I hope at least most of you enjoyed reading about my adventures to Fitness Magazine Meet & Tweet and Reebok Headquarters. I promise I’ll be back with a recipe tomorrow and it’s a pretty good one!
Last week I skipped my 16 week update because of all the craziness, but honestly not much changed from 15-16-17. I have to say I feel really normal right now, like forget I’m pregnant normal sometimes. As long as my JCREW cafe capris fit, I think I’ll keep feeling normal. Is that a weird gauge? hah.
Baby: Baby is 5.1 inches, weighs about 5.9 oz and is the size of an onion!
Food: I’ve eaten taken out waaaayyyy more than I have eaten home in the past 10 days. Between travel and house work I’ve had everything from pizza, Greek, chinese, Italian, sandwiches and more. Last night it was Whole Foods hot bar. I’m fine with it because I can’t stress out about it. I’m trying to get in my veggies and just enjoy what I’m eating. I’m pretty much done with all food aversions, except peanut butter, smoothies and oatmeal. I ate pb once last week and tried to eat it Monday morning and it was a strong NO. It went in the garbage.
Clothes Bought: I bought some more maternity tanks and tees from the GAP. I ended up returning more of the clothes I bought at Old Navy that day because I didn’t love them. I’ve been living in the GAP shirts, wearing them almost every single day. I’m obsessed with how long they are. I also bought some pants from the GAP, but I haven’t tried them on yet. I basically live in JCREW capris and 2 pairs of jeans that still fit.
Exercise: Same as it’s been and going very well. Running 3 days a week, anywhere from 3-5 miles with as many walking breaks as I need. Walking breaks vary per run, sometimes I don’t need any (rare) and sometimes I need 2 or 3. I’ve been doing full body weight workouts 3 times a week too. I’ve switched to way lighter weights, usually 5 or 8 pounds…sometimes 10.
Other Thoughts: I never thought I would be over 4 months pregnant and feel so normal. I’ve also mostly forgotten how bad the first trimester was, which is I guess how people decide to do this more than once. I’m starting to have a small baby bump, but depending on what I’m wearing I look more or less pregnant. My nieces were especially excited to see my baby bump and they kept touching it which made me melt. I’m also overwhelmed by how amazing everyone is about this baby. Gets me pretty teary eyed. Also I should add a section about pregnancy emotions because I’ve cried a lot lately, whether it be happy or sad emotions.
Oh and just for fun….!
Photo thanks to Kristin Willman &
More on that another day!
Have a great one!

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }
I feel like JCrew’s pants are miracle workers – they seem to always fit no matter what! And I LOVE the outfit you wore to the Bob Harper event – I’m a sucker for bright colors and blazers

Danielle recently posted..A Love Affair
and you’re adorable!
Cat @ Breakfast to Bed recently posted..The Smell of a Man in the Thunderdome.
<3 baby c <3
You are too flippin’ cute! xo
Heidi @bananabuzzbomb recently posted..Roadtrippin’ With Chevy To Dirty Girl Indy
Yay for the honeymoon stage of pregnancy! So glad you feel great – you look amazing. I would never guess you were pregnant – and I saw you in person last week! =)
Michele @ nycrunningmama recently posted..Happy Bump Day! (22 weeks)
So happy to hear that your pregnancy is going well!

The first one is so very special (subsequent ones are too, but you have less time to focus on how you’re feeling with a toddler running around!).
Jealous that you got to meet (and get a pic with) Bob!
Looking forward to see more belly pics
Tamara recently posted..Women’s Health Week: share your help-a-friend ideas
How exciting! Glad to hear all is well!
Can’t wait to see more updates!!
Alicia recently posted..2 months!
so glad that everything is going great for you!! love the baby bump!! you are so cute!
Pure2raw twins recently posted..quick protein muffin made in under 2 minutes
Hi Nicole. Congratulations on your pregnancy. It is such a special time.
I have just found your blog. I am studying at IIN this year and love it. Definitely a life changing experience.
Take care, Julie xxoo
Julie Maloney recently posted..Goodbye Microwave Hello New Shelf
Awwww you’re so cute! Congrats and great job with your running – I don’t wanna scare ya, but I ran throughout my 3rd pregnancy and that labor and delivery ended up lasting a whopping 67 min

Janice @ Fitness Cheerleader recently posted..Sporting Life 10k Race Report
Sounds like everything’s going well! I’d judge my ‘normalcy’ by a favorite pair of pants, too
Glad you’re feeling like yourself. You’re still so petite even with a tiny baby bump, but hope s/he keeps growing.
So great seeing you again last night! Xo
Meredith @ DareYouTo recently posted..Bake: Apple Crisp
yay preggers!! u look great! it sounds like you’re doing well too. congrats mama!
amy recently posted..24 Weeks