Happy Saturday! How’s the weather by you? Here it’s pretty dreary, but hoping it picks up…as in gets sunny. I’m okay with it being dreary until after I come back from a run which I plan on doing at some point today.
This was a whirlwind week for me and Pure Bliss Eats. I’m overall happy with what I got done (even though I often feeling like a hamster on a hamster wheel). Danny says the past two weeks I’ve been a ball of gratefulness and emotions, but how can I not be? I’m living this amazing life, got a baby on the way, have support from my family and friends and am on the way to having a first floor bathroom. Yes, I have to include that because I’m that thrilled about not having to walk up the steps every time I have to pee.
After staying at our friends’ Meg and Rob’s house until late last night, I’m relaxing this morning. I can’t wait to share the recipe for the salmon that Rob made. He’s a fisherman and not only caught the salmon we ate, BUT grilled it on cedar planks. AMAZING. He’s going to Alaska to fish next week, so when he comes back I’ll be sure to have him share the recipe.
Back to relaxing: I’m catching up on all the blog posts that I missed during the week. I’ve read some great ones, so I thought I’d bring back Saturday Link Love and share with you all.
Is Worrying Praying For What We Don’t Want? My favorite posts from Carla are her posts about mothering and being a parent. I look up to her so much as a mom and think she does such an amazing job with her little (or big?) Tornado. Check out this post about worrying.
Roasted Potato and Avocado Salad: Cat has such amazing recipes. I need to make this one. I also felt the same way as her about the TODAY show yesterday.
Runner Pick Up Lines: Gotta love this post by Pavement Runner. Just a fun one.
High Fructose Corn Syrup is NOT Corn Sugar: Jody wrote a powerful post about the truth about HFCS & corn sugar. A must read.
My Journey to Lean: How I Lost Body Fat: Check out Jess’s amazing results using some GNC products. While I don’t think supplements are right for everyone, she certainly had amazing results using some! Diet and exercise do come first though and she clearly has that down!
Okay, I’m hungry. Must eat and workout. Have a fabulous weekend!
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great links!! and yes please share that salmon recipe!
Pure2raw twins recently posted..simple sunday