I haven’t posted in exactly a week. Funny enough that has nothing to do with being a new mom or juggling baby/family/feedings/sleepings/diaper changes/work issues…and everything to do with the devastation that hit NY/NJ/East Coast.
I don’t even know what to say in this post besides everything that doesn’t focus on the need of people who lost so much seems so trivial. I was without power for 4 days, had a tree & transformer pole fall on my house and escaped any damage. What happened to me was nothing and not even worth talking about. My sweet Olivia was a perfect angel the entire 4 days and for that I’m so grateful. But what weighs so heavy on my heart are all the people who lost SO much and who are without power/heat/hot water STILL.
The only thing to me that is worth posting about is how we can help. Many people have done this so far, so I’ll give you links. If you cannot physically help then please consider donating supples/clothes and money for relief efforts.
Christine posted different way you can help provide relief.
Text NYCFUND to 50555 to give $10 to the Mayor’s Fund that will help provide essential aid and supplies to New Yorkers in need.
You can also get a list of materials and supplies needed here.
Also consider making a donation here to a fellow blogger, Jen, in need, who lost everything.
I haven’t even seen even close to the worst of it, but I can tell you that you can’t comprehend what it’s like until you have a glimpse of it hit close to home. I’m extremely grateful and thankful that my family was spared.
Thinking and praying for all who need relief.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }
My heart is just breaking for everyone effected. I’ve lived in Florida long enough to see some Major hurricanes but I haven’t seen devastation like this since Katrina. Thank you for encouraging people to help out!
I’m so glad that the damage from the tree wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I agree with what you said – other than today’s post, I have no intention of blogging for a while. My running, giveaways, etc seem so trivial right now. xoxo
Michele @ Nycrunningmama recently posted..More than Jersey Shore or Mob Wives
GLAD to hear you are okay and doing well. GREAT post and GREAT information! Thinking of you!
Krysten Siba Bishop (@darwinianfail) recently posted..Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
I’m really really glad that you guys are OK, that Olivia was an angel and that you got power back relatively quickly. I too have been struggling over what to blog about, if anything, and how long people will tolerate my writing about the hurricane. PS thanks for including a link to my post.
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted..Blogoversary and Erica Sara Giveaway!