Hi! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! I enjoyed lots of family time with everyone and savored every moment. It was a very special day for our family of 3 and I frequently stopped to just look around and feel thankful for the day.
I had Christmas dinner at my house so I spent the morning getting everything prepared and together. I had a good amount of help so everything went well. I will be sharing some of the recipes I made soon because we had some pretty rave reviews. When dessert time came around I was excited to be able to share some of the Cafe Escapes coffees and hot chocolates with my guests. Cafe Escapes is a collection of hot flavored indulgent beverages that provide an everyday treat and a chance to relax and savor the moment. Each flavor is rich, satisfying, and decadent, but not TOO decadent that you can’t enjoy it everyday. (We all know this is a good thing for me, because I certainly drink coffee every day!)
Since Christmas is the perfect time to enjoy indulgences, I broke this out around dessert. We are some pretty serious coffee drinkers in my family, so we really don’t often use a keurig. I have to admit that my mom and step dad wouldn’t try any because they aren’t into flavors/sweet tasting coffee. The younger crowd was more up for it. I ended up making dark chocolate hot chocolate, milk chocolate hot chocolate, cafe vanilla and cafe mocha.
My favorite was the cafe mocha which is describes as a “blissful balance between cocoa and coffee”. Everyone enjoyed all variations of the chocolate (dark chocolate & milk chocolate hot chocolate and cafe mocha.) I actually really liked the cafe vanilla, but my husband thought it was a little too sweet. It was a perfect way to indulge during dessert.
Yesterday was a day of indulgences. My sister and I spent some quality time together and went to Soul Cycle (which is definitely an indulgence because of it’s $$). After almost missing the class because we got lost on the way there we decided to doubly treat ourselves to some hot chocolate when we got home. A good workout and some chocolate is probably my number 1 way to indulge (besides a manicure & pedicure!)
Overall I really love the Cafe Escapes line. I think it’s a great way to treat yourself. I also love how QUICK and easy it is to enjoy a cup of coffee or hot chocolate. This is a must for me as a new mom! Not to mention it’s perfect for guests because everyone can have what they want and you don’t have to worry about making a whole pot of something that not everyone will love.
If you’d like to win some of the Cafe Escapes, then check out their facebook promotion to win!
What’s your favorite way to indulge?
The top of my list includes:
Yoga in yoga studio, Soul Cycle, manicure pedicure, facial and shopping!
Café Escapes is the brand of hot, flavored indulgent beverages that provide you an everyday treat and a chance to relax and savor a moment of your day, whether at home or at work.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc.