I’ve been a mom for two months. I’ve read SO many blog posts about how time flies with your little one and while I never thought they were kidding…I cannot believe how true it is.
So much has happened in two months. Our little girl has gone from 8 lbs 2 oz to probably almost 11 pounds (our 2 month doc appointment is on the 27th, so we’ll find out then.) She’s grown out of newborn clothes and 0-3 pj’s. (She’s too small for 3-6 pjs though, so we’re really improvising for sleep.) She is super long and growing quickly!
While they don’t seem like much to an outsider, to us, they are everything.
Liv smiles purposefully now. She gives them out left and right, but they are definitly for a reason. She also has this laugh, that is just the cutest thing. She doesn’t always laugh at the same things, but in the moment she will laugh and smile over and over again. Often when I try to replicate it in front of Danny it doesn’t work. When she let out her first little laugh, I obviously cried. She also clearly looks at things now. She studies faces very seriously.
She also looks at her mobile over her swing and loves to sit and look at the owl and bird hanging over her activity mat. It’s amazing how one day she just “got” it, like there was something there and she finally knew it.
Olivia is just the sweetest thing. She certainly has her way, but Danny and I have gotten pretty good at reading her cues. She is pretty particular and it’s hard to tell others how to “do” things when we’re not around. It’s resulted in a crying baby when we’re not around…which gives me some major mommy guilt for leaving her without Danny or I in the first place even though it’s only been 2x (to go to the food store & to visit a family member in hospital). We’re trying to figure out how to explain exactly what she likes. I have a feeling a big culprit is grandparents who want to play with her and ignore her sleepy cues.
The highlight of the month is absolutely her smiling and laughing.
She has started to get fussy while she eats. I think it’s a combo of her just being bigger and wanting to move more/ being gassy/ and being upset when we try and stop feeding her to burp her. We’re trying to figure it out. Sometimes I feel like we just “know” what to do and it’s hard to explain to other people. (Update: I wrote this last week and she’s gotten a lot better. She does want to stretch a lot though which is funny while she’s trying to eat.)
Sleep. Oh sleep. We do okay. Liv doesn’t sleep through the night. We put her down around 7 or 8. She still wakes up around 11 or 12 and then somewhere from 3-5. Her first 2 stretches of sleep are longer and then the last one is usually only 2 hours. It’s really not bad, but I can’t help but wonder when she’ll sleep longer! Liv usually takes 3 naps during the day for anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours. She mostly sleeps in her rock n’play but often naps in her swing. We’re also trying to transition her to nap in a traditional bassinet and/or pack n’play.
Other loves:
Loves her swing. She went through a period where she didn’t love it so much, now she does. I can put her in there to nap and she’ll fall asleep on her own. I can also put her in there for about 10 minutes so I can straighten up real quick around the house.
Activity mat! I love laying down on the floor with her and playing with her mat. She loves to look at everything and she kicks her feet and moves her arms in excitement.
On two months of being a mom:
Honestly, I think being a mom is one of the most natural things I have ever done. I’m NOT saying it’s easy at all, but I love it. It’s so much fun. I love dressing Liv up in her cute outfits, I love talking and singing to her on the changing table, I love staying home with her and even taking her places. It’s just the best. Literally, the best.
I think the hardest thing is being alone for 11 hours a day. I am a homebody. I don’t mind being alone, but it’s nice to have human interaction. My mom and stepdad stop by either in the morning or after work usually 1-2x a week. This allows me to do things like empty the dishwasher, start dinner or even go pick up Danny without lugging Liv out. I’m super grateful for that. I’m also going to see about doing a mom & me yoga class.
The hardest times are when Liv is having a growth spurt. It doesn’t happen too much, but she started on one Tuesday. She barely napped at wanted to be held the entire day. It was a tough day. Luckily I had dinner with friends planned which helped me relax and get out of the house. Of course, she slept the entire time she was home with Danny!
I think that’s it for now. I cant wait to see how much our girl grows in the next month!
Have a great day!

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Your love for her and for being a mom is evident and so beautiful!! Honestly, I feel like I could have written this exact post 2 years ago when AJ was born. I didn’t leave him alone for more than 30-45 min until he was like 5 months old. And even then, when I left him, I’d have a HUGE list of things when to do this and that and was so nervous the whole time I was away. Just remind yourself that it’s good for them and GREAT for you to get out – and that even if others (esp grandparents) don’t do things just as we do, they will always figure out their own method of what works. I’ve learned that things are always different for AJ when he is at my mom’s or out with my dad – I let them do what they want with him – and if it results in a later bedtime, I just shrug my shoulders.
Liv’s sleeping is great – don’t get frustrated if others seem to sleep longer. Around 2 / 2 1/2 months is when AJ started sleeping longer. Ryan was early – and it’s not that I was doing anything differently – so definitely a sign that every baby is different!! =)
PS. She is such a beautiful, sweet little girl! I can’t wait to get my hands on her!
Michele @ Nycrunningmama recently posted..Race for Recovery – the numbers
thanks michele! It’s so true about them being w their grandparents. I’ll get over it and will have to when we leave her overnight in Feb! Can’t wait to meet up!
Audrey is 2 months old and I agree — everything seems to be clicking with her personality. Her smiles and coos are absolutely the highlight of my day.
She’s in the 95th percentile for height, so she’s in 3-month clothes that are way too big for her belly but still a little short for her body!
KatyBug recently posted..And I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing
it’s so funny how that happens with the clothes! i know it’s much warmer by you so you don’t have to worry too much about pjs. how did Audrey do with her shots? we go next week for Liv’s.
and 95% that’s amazing!
She is so adorable – it’s amazing how much they grow, change, and learn in such a short amount of time. Seems you’re doing wonderful as a Mom!
thank you!
She really is such a cutie!!!!
Oh my goodness! She is gorgeous!!!
Happy holidays to your sweet little family!
Kierston recently posted..All I Really Want…
Awww…sleeping through the night will come eventually! She is so sweet…enjoy your first holidays as a family of three!