Hi all! I’m here with a late night blog post. I had a lovely date with my mom friend (and just friend) Ashley and her son Colm. (+1 for my mental and emotional health this week.)
I want to get back in a blogging routine, but then I laugh at myself and the word routine. My routine is my child and whatever she wants to do. And I’m 1,000% okay with it. I have to admit I am a bit of a work slacker. I have a lot of phone calls to make, but they get pushed on the back burner because it’s not very professional to make a phone call and have a crying baby wake up from a nap in the background. I have to MAKE time to do it during the BEGINNING of nap time..rather than put away dishes, clothes, checking emails..etc. Anyway, that’s my next week resolution. Just to DO IT and stop talking about it.
As for workouts… they are going WELL. My workout time is during Liv’s first nap. She usually wakes up at 6 and we hang around while I drink coffee and eat breakfast. She eats, I eat and then I change into my workout clothes. I’ve always been a beginning of the day exerciser. If it doesn’t get done in the morning…it’s probably not going to get done (for me.) If you need early wake up tips check out Carla’s 4 steps to becoming an early riser. (Although my number one tip = have a baby.)
I’m doing Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp and I already know I’ll sign up for the next round. I have been so jealous and envious of all those doing it in the past, but I was pregnant so I couldn’t/didn’t want to do it. It’s $25 and the best money I’ve probably ever spent on exercise. I 100% do it at home..EASILY with minimal equipment. (So far I’ve used 3,5, 10 lb weights, a medicine ball and my treadmill.) She is SO comprehensive and so DETAILED, it amazes me.
She gives you every workout with options for beginners and advanced exercisers. I am proud that I’ve been able to follow everything as she’s written it..with the exception of this darn scorpion move. It’s pretty ridiculous and I’m fine with not being strong enough for that! Every workout is an hour or under, depending on the day of the week. I HIGHLY recommend it. I’ll do a better review at the end…but when the next round comes up…SIGN UP!
Danny just (literally) ran home from the train…so it’s time to get dinner going. Which means set out the leftover chicken, salad and bread I made for my lunch today. (I went to make foccacia bread and forget the yeast. Oops..but it became a pretty good flat bread.)
Sorry for my inner ramblings, but hey that’s whatcha getting!
Have you done an online bootcamp before?

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I think I might sign up for Tina’s bootcamp next round! I had no idea that it was only $25…now that is amazing!
I pretty much put off my work while Nia’s sleeping also (like now). I should be either reading for school or working on something I have due on Sunday, so I don’t know why I don’t. Ok, maybe I’ll actually go do it now! haha
Routine kind of goes out the door when baby comes, doesn’t it?
That’s okay– it’s a pretty good trade.
Glad you’re liking the bootcamp!
I agree, routines are hard to keep with a little one, but it’s totally worth it!
All about adapting! Plus she’s still itty bitty, give her some more time and she’ll be on a more normal “routine” that will help you get more stuff done.
You’re making me blush!!! And I love how you say that the kid sets the routine. SO true! But you’re doing great at fitting in the things that matter to you most. That’s how to do it.