Happy Friday! I’m pretty happy to see the weekend here and growth spurt basically over! Growth spurts are one of those things that no one tells you about before…but they are a VERY real thing. Just ask my baby who wouldn’t nap ALL day Wednesday.
Just like probably um..all of you..by the end of the day I’m SO tired and the last thing I want to do is prepare a time intensive dinner. I tried to snap a lot of my meals this week to show you how I put together super easy, healthy and QUICK meals.
My breakfast is basically always the same. MAYBE one day a week I’ll have pancakes as a change. I have 2 eggs with 2 pieces buttered ezekial bread. (The sesame one.) I am SUCH a creature of habit with breakfast. I’ve been having this breakfast close to umm… hah almost a year? It’s also super easy and I can’t imagine making a breakfast that takes anything longer than 5 minutes.
Lunch this week was usually vanilla Chobani, almond butter, blueberries, hemp and Blissful Eats Honey Blueberry granola. I don’t know if you could call this lunch because I usually eat it between 10-11. Then I’ll have a snack around 2 or 3. Usually Applegate farms turkey (2-3 slices) wraped in avocado and some veggies on the side. That is this week..next week will probably be different.
Warm you up turkey chili with homemade whole wheat rolls.
chicken sausage quiche with socca crust (possibly will post recipe next week!)
eggs, turkey bacon & steamed kale and mushrooms
sauteed kale over brown rice and white beans (rice & beans made in rice maker) and turkey bacon
(unpictured) one night we also had rice & steamed chicken & veggies all made in rice maker.
You can see I’m basically obsessed with my rice maker…and eating in the dark… Throughout the week I’ll also steam random vegetables to snack on, like carrots, kale, and brussel sprouts.
I’m all about the ease right now, so I may not be super creative, but we are eating well every night. I also make enough to get leftovers for Danny to take for lunch.
Happy Happy Friday!
What are your favorite go-to meals right now? What’s your favorite appliance?
Want a laugh? Check out my sister’s blog. She makes me LOL on a daily basis…now she can make you laugh too. (IMO)
Want to eat? You have until 1/31 to use coupon code NEWYEAR at checkout to save 10% on organic, GF, kosher granola!

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I need some new lunch ideas, our maybe I just need to accept the fact that I need to do 2 mini meals for lunch! I’m always ravenous when it’s tine for lunch. And I just said lunch about 100 times!
haha i usually do 2 mini meals too. or maybe i just do 2 meals. not sure if they’re considered mini!
Hearing your love for the rice cooker makes me want to get back out my pressure cooker. I love that thing!
do it! i’ve heard such good things about pressure cookers i may need to get one!
So funny. I wrote a VERY similar post today about my ‘day in the life’ eats. I’m with you – SUCH a creature of habit, especially with breakfast. My go-to then is always oatmeal…but eggs and ezekiel is also a great one, usually on the weekend. I LOVE the cinnamon raisin ezekiel!!
Just need to let you know that I went over and read your sisters entire blog. She. Is. Awesome. You both are, so … THANKS you guys