Weekend Things!

by Nicole on May 5, 2014

I always want to start my post with what day of the week it is. Maybe it’s because introductions are awkward? I’m not really sure.

This weekend we celebrated Mother’s Day. Danny and I have a wedding in New Hampshire next weekend, so we won’t be back until the afternoon. It’s really far away…but we’re leaving Liv with my mom and sister, so at least we don’t have to worry about a cranky toddler who hates the car. (P.S. my next car will have a dvd player…and I will totally be pacifying Liv with movies in the car for long trips.)

I’m not really looking forward to 6 hours in the car…but I am looking forward to 2 days away with Dan. It’s been awhile.


Yesterday Danny made breakfast (which he typically does on Sundays, but it was extra nice) and then we attempted to drive to the boardwalk in Long Beach to go for a walk. I say attempted because after Liv whined the entire way there, as soon as we got out of the car she had a meltdown. It didn’t matter we had snacks and milk in her favorite cup. She just was not having it.

We turned around and packed it in. I can’t pretend I wasn’t annoyed…but I got over it. Can’t help random toddler meltdowns. We had a nice rest of the day and went to dinner with my mom, step dad and sister. And then the best part…they all got me a new coffee maker. It’s awesome. It’s Krups and you can make coffee, espresso and steam/froth milk with it.


What else?

I’m still going with the 10 day detox. Confession, I had soy milk in my iced coffee. I have a bunch of thoughts about it, which I’ll share. I just can’t do coconut milk in my coffee. I’m sorry. I’m going to get some cashews and try making cashew milk. Any suggestions?

Other weekend highlights:

I made these green apple & coconut 2 bite treats. Next time I’d double or triple the amount of apples I used, but I really liked them. Coconut butter almost tastes like white chocolate.


I also made this sweet potato “rice” and it was awesome. I’ll be making this again for sure.

We bought plants for a small garden. I’ve tried the past two years and have yet to produce one thing from it. I’m determined this year…and making Danny read a gardening book.

Danny, Liv and I went for a run on Saturday. I almost went crazy because the wheel on our Joovy zoom was shaking like crazy. I tried the locked wheel and it veered to the right. I read some amazon reviews and found out there was a screw under the footplate that may have needed tightening and it seemed like it did the trick.

Hope you all had a great weekend and start to the week!

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