I know it’s been so long! I’m really going to try to get back in a blogging groove over here. I miss it so much!
Just to catch you up on what I’ve been doing…it’s basically all Blissful Eats all (the free) time (I have).
Thanks to all those who entered the giveaway, I announced winner on our facebook page. Right now I’m also doing a special with misaligned packaging (perfect product, imperfect packaging from a test day), 8 packages for $10 (50% off). If you’re interested, leave a comment with your paypal email, or email me nicole[at]blissful-eats[dot]com.
Anyway, I’m juggling life. I kind of love it though, so no complaints here. I’m still waking up super early…this morning I was out the door at 5:20 for a quick 3 miles before Danny left. I haven’t done that in weeks and it felt really good! (P.S. just saw on the TODAY show, 5 minutes of running can reduce your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 45% and from other causes by 30% so GET RUNNING!)
I also went to a naturopath a couple of weeks ago. I was fed up with dealing with my eczema and my face rashes, so I sucked it up and paid the money. I have to say in 1.5 weeks of taking the supplements she gave me and avoiding foods I was sensitive too I’m FINALLY seeing relief. I have to do a seperate post on this because it’s worth the time.
My goal is to be consistent and go back to posting 2-3 times a week instead of posting once every couple of weeks and having them be catch up posts.
Food: We basically grill every night. It’s so easy and requires very minimal clean up. I also found out Applegate farms has fresh cold cuts at our local Wild by Nature! This was such a great find!
Workout:Still getting up every morning and working out for about an hour. I’m up to 5 chin ups!! I’m super proud of that. I’m been playing around on the pull up bar 2-3 times a week and it’s paid off. I need a new at home weights program. Any suggestions??
Life: Livi is such a toddler. Everyday is wonderful and a new type of hard (think —> lots of NOs!) She also is going to bed around 8:15 now, which only gives me like 30-45 minutes of down time before I pass out at 9-9:30. I’m still getting used to this. We’re trying to get to the beach as much as possible, but the weekends have been weird weather. I’m not that adventurous to go alone with just Liv, although I’m sure it would be fine.
I’ll be back later in the week to tell you about my Naturopath visit !
Thanks for sticking around through the craziness of life!

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }
oooh i’ll take some misaligned packages of granola!
Hey Nicole! My paypal email is [email protected]
So excited to try the bites!!
I love reading all of these updates!! So proud of you girlie!
Check out this for home exercise: https://www.youtube.com/user/fitknitchick
She is great!!!
So much going on there!!!! BREATHE!
Eager to read more on the skin!